Tuesday, October 12, 2010

**CLOSED**Eyebuydirect.com Giveaway!

Affordable, comfortable, quality prescription glasses
sent to your door!

 The glasses start at only $7.95!!!

I was contacted by EYEBUYDIRECT.COM and offered a free pair of prescription glasses. I was able to pick whatever I wanted up to $100.00! AWESOME! Only problem was....how on earth do you pick out a pair of glasses online! Oh my goodness, I have a hard enough time picking a pair out at the doctor's office!

EYEBUYDIRECT.COM has thought of everything! They let you try on glasses online! Check out Eye try before you buy. You can upload your own photo or use one of the models.

I found a photo that was suitable for this task and I started trying on the glasses. It's pretty easy because I could narrow down the search to plastic frames, brown or black, etc. I only had to browse through the types of frames I was interested in!

Here are the pictures of me "trying on" the glasses.

Here I am once the glasses arrived-- (BTW- I got the second pair)

I didn't even have to leave the house! SCORE!

The glasses come with a case and a cleaning cloth. I also got thin lenses, anti-scratch, and anti-glare. To say that I am happy with the experience is an understatement. I will get my next pair from EYEBUYDIRECT.COM. It's way affordable as well as SUPER easy. I don't see a downside!

EYEBUYDIRECT.COM is giving one lucky winner a free pair of frames with prescription lenses!
**USA ONLY- excludes designer frames and sunglasses**

**ENDS OCTOBER 26th midnight**

Go to EYEBUYDIRECT.COM and come back here and tell us the name of your favorite frame!

(leave separate comment for each entry please!)

1 entry- (EACH) Follow my blog via google friend connect. Sign up for my newsletter.
Subscribe to my RSS feed.

(leave your facebook name in comment here)

1 entry- Leave a comment on EYEBUYDIRECT's Facebook page telling them
which pair of glasses are your favorite!

1 entry- Follow EYEBUYDIRECT on twitter and tweet about this giveaway!
(leave link please)

2 entries- Post your
"Eye Try" photo with your favorite frame to their Wall of Frame
1 entry- Post a comment to their Wall of Frame
Help other visitors choose which frames suites them best!

3 entries- Post on your blog stating the name of the eyeglass frame you would
choose if you won and a link to your "Eye Try" photo.


 If you want even more entries---
Enter any of my other contests and you get 1 entry for each contest you enter! ;)


The Green MomSter said...

my favorite is the Bari

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

The Green MomSter said...

gfc follower Lindsie

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

The Green MomSter said...

email subscriber

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Briann said...

i love the auxerre ones, i also love the ones you picked out, would love to know the name of them!

Briann said...

i liked i buy direct on Fb

Kari V. said...

I like the AB-8033 - Wine color (of course the one without a normal name!)

Kari V. said...

I follow you via GFC!

Kari V. said...

I 1 entry- Like EYEBUYDIRECT on facebook! (Kari Allen VanNoy)

Kristin PG said...

I really like the Donna glasses. Very cute!

Misty S. said...

My favorite are the rimless Paris...love them!

nape said...

I'd love a pair of EYEBUYDIRECT's Jersey - Golden (Large Size) for women.

Thanks for a great giveaway!

nape said...

I follow EyeBuyDirect on twitter @Ida_Sessions and tweeted here:

kmogilevski said...

There are so many cute frames, I like Brideprot in gunmetal
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Follow you on GFC (katie, kmogilevski)
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Subscribe to your email with kmogilevski at HOTMAIL
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Like EyeBuy on Facebook (katie schneider) and commented
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

FOllow EyeBuy on Twitter (kmogilevski) and tweeted (http://twitter.com/kmogilevski/status/27197104934)
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Entered the CSN contest
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I LIKE EyeBuyDirect on Facebook (Erin Mize)

Anonymous said...

Shared my favorite frame on EyeBuyDirect's Facebook (Erin Mize)

Anonymous said...

Subscribed to the blog RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

Following the blog via GFC.(panicxduh)

Anonymous said...

e-mail subscriber.(validated!)

Anonymous said...

Following @EyebuyDirect via Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I posted my Eye Try Picture to their Wall of Frame! Check it out--



Anonymous said...

2)I posted my Eye Try Picture to their Wall of Frame! Check it out--



Anonymous said...

I posted a comment on Eric's Eyetry Picture from the Wall of Frame!



like chiciago frames

Anonymous said...

I like the Clearwater frames.

Anonymous said...

Following you on GFC!

Anonymous said...

LIKEing EyeBuyDirect on Facebook (Kim McHughes)

Anonymous said...

Left a comment on EYEBUYDIRECT's Facebook page.

nape said...

Tweeted today!

brenda said...

i love the venezuela frames! exactly my style :)

bg_sweeps at yahoo dot com

twinmomoftwins said...

I like the boise in purple
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

Joseph said...

My favorite frames is the Men's "Raleigh" - $24.95

Hetal said...

I like Mars - womens.

Hetal said...

like the sponsor on FB:Heta s

Hetal said...


Susan said...

The Sacramento demi frames are nice. suelee1998 @ gmail.com

Susan said...

I like eye buy on facebook suelee1998 @ gmail.com

Jasmine said...

I like the Andria - Gunmetal frames. There are so many to choose from!


Jasmine said...

I am a follower.


Anonymous said...

i love the Venezuela

mickeyfan said...

One that I really like is Sacramento.

nape said...

Tweeted you today!

hiann88 said...

I like the Marsala frames.

hity88 said...

I want the Marsala style.

Anonymous said...


selinda_mccumbers said...

I like the Maienfeld. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love the Athens frame

Unknown said...

I follow you on gfc manthas24

Unknown said...

I get your feed in google reader

Unknown said...

I follow eyebuydirect on twitter @manthas24

Unknown said...

I tweeted this giveaway http://twitter.com/manthas24/status/27635223925

nape said...

Tweeted today!

D Johnson said...

I like the Perugia in pink.


D Johnson said...

Liked EYEBUYDIRECT on FB (daviajohnson)


nape said...

Tweeted today!

D Johnson said...

Follow on GFC (NeraCaligula)


D Johnson said...

Email subscriber :)


Amber said...

I really like the Nyon-Gunmetal frames.


Amber said...

I am a GFC follower.


Amber said...

I subscribe in Google Reader.


R. said...

The 'Armagh' frames are my favorite.

rebecca.nvcl at gmail.com

nape said...

Tweeted today!

Wehaf said...

My favorite is the Venezuela.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Nina said...

Love the "Kalmar"--very geek chic! :)

nina dot logansmith at gmail dot com

nape said...

Tweeted today!

Jerry said...

There are to many to choose from. I would go for Rainer. Thank you. You look great in your glasses

nape said...

Tweeted today!

Unknown said...

RT http://twitter.com/manthas24/status/28034212926

Unknown said...

I entered the creativity for kids giveaway

Unknown said...

I entered the PJ Greetings giveaway

Unknown said...

I entered the wandering starfish giveaway

Unknown said...

I entered the bellamina giveaway

Amber said...

I entered the Wandering Starfish giveaway.


nape said...

Tweeted today!

skytoucher said...

i like the Caltinissetta frames in wine and pink!

nape said...

Tweeted today!

Anonymous said...

http://www.eyebuydirect.com/fashion-glasses-uruguay-red-p-2150.html i like these! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

http://twitter.com/#!/DesMoinesDealin/status/28523514215 scg00387 at yahoo dot com

tattwo said...

I found my favorite pair . . . Cosmopolitan - Brown. Thanks for the giveaway.

msrodeobrat said...

i like the nicole
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Alicia said...


Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

Daniel M said...

maybe amiens, not sure if they'll fit - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Sarah B. said...

The Bains pair is my favorite!

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

Sarah B. said...

I like Eyebuydirect on FB (Sarah Bee)

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

Sarah B. said...

I wrote on their FB wall telling them my fave pair (Sarah Bee)

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

Sarah B. said...

I follow your blog

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

Debbie C said...

I like the Boise frames in Bronze color.

Debbie C said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)

Nancy said...

I like the Barletta frame.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

nape said...

Tweeted today!

wgbc1446 said...

I like the Benevento frame. wgbc1446[at]yahoo[dot]com

yyeres said...

my favorite is berlin. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com

1993wel said...

My favorite is the Kalmar.

Anonymous said...

I really like the look of Caserta, Caltanissetta, and Busto!


Anonymous said...

Following your blog with GFC!


Jen H said...

my favorite glasses are the Perugia! I need to get my prescription refilled this would be great

Jen H said...

email subscriber

Jen H said...

gfc follower

nape said...

Tweeted today!

nape said...

Tweeted today!

Martina said...

I like the JA00041 (strange name, but that's what the website says).

tinaslists (at) gmail dot com

Storm Safety Blog said...

I like the Model 9848 - Burgundy.

Anonymous said...

The Daryn in ginger frame.

Anonymous said...

My favorites are the silver Lac gunmetal frames.

flashlight13114 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Unknown said...

I really like the Falun

Unknown said...

I follow eyebuydirect on twitter @manthas24

Unknown said...

I follow you on GFC manthas24

Anonymous said...

my fave is Bari - Black


jennifer57 said...


jennifer57 said...

Follow my blog via google friend connect

jennifer57 said...

Like EYEBUYDIRECT on facebook

D said...

wetzikon are my favorite:)
starinthenitesky (at) aol.com

D said...

like eyebuydirect on fb (D Sullivan)
starinthenitesky (at) aol.com

D said...

Posted favorite frames on the eyebuydirect fb

starinthenitesky (at) aol.com

D said...


starinthenitesky (at) aol.com

EmmaPeel said...


Hotsnotty2 said...

I love the Paris frames, thanks!


Bev Davis said...

I loved the Benevento - black and red - cool!

Unknown said...

I like the Mayan frames.

Unknown said...

I like eye buy direct on facebook. sarah lynn

Unknown said...

I follow via GFC.

Unknown said...

I wrote on the eye buy direct facebook wall. sarah lynn

tina reynolds said...

I really like the Donna thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

The Rome-Gunmetal are my favorite frame. garrettsambo@aol.com

Sand said...

The Donna frames are my favorite.

cman said...

Neuhausen - Blue (Medium Size)

Meetoot said...

Buy a wide range of Kid's Eyeglasses Online at Meetoot. Find exclusive branded Eyeglasses with comfortable frames for both boys and girls here.

Shopping for kids' eyeglasses is a task in itself. With all the new designs and catchy colors available today, you have ample options to choose from. While choosing eyeglasses for kids, the first thing that crosses your mind is the frame's quality and durability. And you must not compromise on these things.