Almost had it...lol! See Aidan's foot....right.past.the.ball...lol. He was almost there!

"Hey, where's the ball?" Notice it has passed him already! lol!

Here we go! We have almost have contact with the ball. ...but I am wondering why the other boy on the same team is about to kick it in the opposite direction? lol. So funny.

"Are we done yet?"

"Hey, look....it's a grasshopper."

Aidan gets a well deserved break. What's funny is that they are oblivious to the coach...lol. The coach is obviously saying something very important.. (look at the way he is pointing at them!)

Chandler, right before the breakdown.

Alright, he has had enough. He can't understand why he can't go play soccer with bubba. Bless his heart.