I won't draw this out...it makes me so sick to my stomach to think about it, but tomorrow I have to put our big kitty to sleep. He's 11 years old. He's huge, and he was the best cat we ever had.
He got outside last week and a Tom cat bit him in the neck. The wound got terribly infected and I took him in today and the vet lanced it, and gave him some antibiotics. They say we will probably have to come back in and have a tube put into the wound so it can drain better. He is in pain. He isn't our Cody bear. He is clearly in distress and I can't make him go through any more pain. We are suppose to take a cotton ball and massage his VERY SORE neck to get the infection to drain out. He is not having it, he is too old, it hurts too bad. On top of that he needs to have surgery to remove some teeth that are in really poor condition, he needs to have this done immediately after he heals from his neck wound (if he heals). He will have to be put under and they aren't sure he will survive the surgery.
I talked to the family and we agreed to go ahead and let him go to a better place. I know some of you may not agree with this, but it really is what we feel is best.
My son, Brian took it the hardest. He has cried all afternoon. He took a nap with Cody in our bed (Cody has pretty much just been laying there). I brushed him, and we all gave him love. Danny and I also laid down with him in the bed for a while, just soaking up some Cody love.
We will bury him at my Mom's house.
Ohhhh this broke my heart reading your post, you are making the right decision though as hard as it is your heart and head is in the right place and Cody will be free of pain. I had to make the same decision last year with my horse was the hardest day for me but once I thought about him being pain free it did relieve some of the hurt. Cody looks so loved in your pics and to get to 11 is a great age too, will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow ... ohh and some great memories for you to hold of Cody is to get some paw prints on paper to be framed for the kids. Take care!!!
Oh, poor Cody. That's just awful.
I agree with Kell; try to make a memory box or something like that so you have a little keepsake.
{{hugs}} Its hard when you loose a cat. We will be getting a cat when we get a house. An outside cat.
Big hugs from here, too! We think tomorrow will be our Old English sheepdog's day. Beatrice has an app't with her vet who loves her, and he'll tell us what we need to do. She was struck with unexplained, sudden-onset blindness in Dec. She also has breathing issues, and now she can barely get up and down. So sad. I must go cry some more.
Oh my, this is so sad! I have had to put down a family pet and its absolutely heart breaking. My thoughts are with you and your family. take care
I found your blog by accident, but I just had to say - I'm so very, very sorry. I've been in nearly the same situation and my heart just breaks a little bit every time I hear of someone else having to deal with the same thing. Your story especially struck me. Cody could've been my Missy cat - well, about half the size! lol
((hugs)) and I hope you *know* you're doing the *right* thing. Suffering is much, much worse.
Oh Michelle. I am just sitting here crying for you. I know there is probably nothing I can do for you, but if there is, I hope you will tell me. I'm thinking of you and sending lots of love your way!
I'm so sorry. My heart is breaking for you. It can't have been an easy decision, I wish you and your family well. Much love ♥
This was so hard for me to read. I feel your sorrow in this. A few years ago I had to make the decision to let my precious Manx "Boots" go to heaven. She was over 12 years old and feline diabetes had taken it's toll on her sweet body. It devastated me then and it still hurts to think about it.
Secondly, I too have a big fluffy orange ball of fur named Codie Raye. The LORD brought him into my life a few months after Boots went to heaven, so to think of loosing him would be so difficult.
Know that I will keep you all in my prayers for comfort during this season.
~Blessings & Warm Cozy Wishes
It's so sad...I now what your feeling now. A few months ago I lost my little cat, she was a part of my family. It was so sad.
I want you to know that I found your blog two minutes ago and I really love it. It's a wonderful blog.
Warm hugs from Italy,
Oh my Dear One, I understand. Completely.
Wishing I could wrap you with gentle hugs...
Aunt Amelia
Hey Michelle I noticed that followed my blog: http://amyshouldwin.blogspot.com/ and I just wanted to let you know that my blog has changed... it's now: http://swagstudio.blogspot.com/
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