For a while I haven't been "feeling" our bedroom.
A bedroom is supposed to be relaxing and welcoming. My bedroom was full of non matching furniture and clutter. I seriously think it affected my sleep. I hate clutter. I wanted my bedroom to not only look good, but be functional.
The problem was.. I did NOT want to buy all new furniture. Seriously, I hate spending that much money. I know, I know... it sounds silly, but I like to live frugally. We are saving up to put a roof on our house and we are doing our best to pay for everything we want in cash. PLUS, I am kind of a rebel. I don't want a cookie cutter bedroom set. I don't like matchy-matchy.
My goal... Keep some of the furniture I have and reuse it. Paint it to make it work with whatever I buy. If I buy anything, buy used... and paint it to make it my own! Oh, and I needed to find a way to hide the clutter. (more on that in a minute).
SO...I went searching on Craigslist. AND I searched, and searched... and searched some more. I didn't really have a clear idea what I wanted... but I figured I would know when I saw it! lol
That's when I found this set---
It was real wood, and had good bones. I knew that I could make this work! I knew it as soon as I saw it!
$200 for the headboard, foot board, dresser, chest and night stand. SOLD!!!!
My vision was to take this furniture and the chest that I already had in my bedroom and paint it all white. I would then make the furniture tie in together with gorgeous knobs!
So, I have been hearing all about chalk paint. I knew this was the way to go... until I saw the price. No way was I going to pay that much for chalk paint. I mean, seriously!?
Luckily, there are some frugal and talented ladies on Pinterest and I looked up how to make my own chalk paint!
Found it-
From her website-
-Plaster of Paris - I got this from Lowes for roughly $6.50.
Just in case you are like me and spend hours wondering around Lowes..this is found in the paint section.
-Plaster of Paris - I got this from Lowes for roughly $6.50.
Just in case you are like me and spend hours wondering around Lowes..this is found in the paint section.
- Paint of your choice
- Container - I used an old Newman's Own tomato sauce jar
- Permanent marker
- Ruler
- Water
- Paint stir stick
1. Measure out 4 inches on jar and make hatch marks at each inch.
- Container - I used an old Newman's Own tomato sauce jar
- Permanent marker
- Ruler
- Water
- Paint stir stick
1. Measure out 4 inches on jar and make hatch marks at each inch.
2. Fill Plaster of Paris in the container until you reach the first hatch.
3. Add 1/4 cup of water and stir. You want to add water until you have a smooth consistency and there are no flakes or clumps.
4. Add paint until you reach the top hatch mark and then stir.
Here are a couple of pointers I have come across from trial and error.
- Use the Plaster of Paris first. It has a difficult time mixing with the paint if you pour the paint first.
- I added a little more Plaster of Paris then noted above because I wanted a more grittier..(is that word??) effect.
- When painting it is best to use a foam roller. Brush strokes and other imperfections are easily seen
- Chalk Paint can thicken after a couple of days. Just add water if you see that this is happening.
3. Add 1/4 cup of water and stir. You want to add water until you have a smooth consistency and there are no flakes or clumps.
4. Add paint until you reach the top hatch mark and then stir.
Here are a couple of pointers I have come across from trial and error.
- Use the Plaster of Paris first. It has a difficult time mixing with the paint if you pour the paint first.
- I added a little more Plaster of Paris then noted above because I wanted a more grittier..(is that word??) effect.
- When painting it is best to use a foam roller. Brush strokes and other imperfections are easily seen
- Chalk Paint can thicken after a couple of days. Just add water if you see that this is happening.
*Now, let me add my two cents. ;) Like she mentioned, add the plaster of Paris first. ADD HOT WATER then stir. I used slightly more water than she called for.
*I used cheap wooden "chip in" brushes from Lowe's. I like seeing some brush strokes...but that's not for everyone.
*Stir... paint, stir, paint, stir and stir and stir. I can't tell you enough. Stir all the time. It can get thick and gunked up if you are painting a lot of furniture at once.
*Mix in small batches. Seriously, trust me. One mason jar at a time. One mason jar goes a long way!
*Don't forget the wax! I used an old cloth to put the wax on. I think the wax took the longest. My hands were in a permanent crab claw by the time I was done. It is so worth it. I used a light wax. You can use a dark wax if you like.
Remember... this is not meant to be a perfect painting method. You make it look however you want! I distressed it with a foam block sander. I really liked when the imperfections showed through.
Ready for some BEFORE & AFTERS?
First I painted my bed side table. I wanted to try out my own version of chalk paint on something small first! lol
Next I painted an old dresser. My husband loathed this dresser. It was painted some type of green color and was missing knobs. I painted it white.... added some green apple knobs and it was FABULOUS!
I brought this old beauty back to life!
The next thing I did was to add a little step stool so that I could reach the clothes in my closet. I had a red one in my laundry room, but red didn't match. SO, I painted it a very happy yellow!
Here it is with the dresser.
Now, onto the Craigslist furniture--
Here is the night stand. I used the same knobs as on the other dresser, but in a sunny yellow! The pop of color makes me so happy!
***The knobs came from here--- LA BELLAS COTTAGE
Here is the Chest of drawers--
The head board and foot board--
Dresser with mirror--
If I cleaned the whole thing up, it wouldn't be authentic. (That's my story and I am sticking to it!)
*Note that in the mirror you can see we haven't finished putting up our crown molding...and yes, the room used to be painted red. (Keeping it real)
(I realize it looks cluttered, but there is a method to my madness! I
have my lotions and body sprays organized on a mirror, and my milk glass
vases hold my bangles, watches, and bracelets! Oh, and the fan...I have
to sleep with a fan.)
Closer look at my jewelry organization--
Now... I had to work on the clutter. We took the door off of our closets because they were old and ugly. For the last few years (errrm, yes, years!) we have just left the closets open AND I HATED IT!
Here's my solution--
***The wreath came from here-- COPELAND WREATHS
Here is a better look-
Buy cheap rods at Walmart... get $4 white twin sheets, add some curtain hangers and you have a very cheap way to hide unsightly closets (I even did this with my windows! These make great curtains!)
NOW, onto the bedding. I have driven my husband crazy looking for bedding that I love. Nothing really popped! Plus, I am too cheap to buy expensive bedding, and the cheap bedding looked... well... cheap!
Then, I won a $250 gift card!!!! It's like the heavens shone down on me and said, "Girl, go get your bedding!" I got this bedding at Khols. To say that I am in love with it is an understatement!
(forgive me... I am not a professional bed maker.)
There are tons more that I need to do...but I think I have got a pretty good start!
I am going to hang this work of art above the bed--
This sign is hanging in my Den, but it makes me happy. I think I would like to see it every morning when I wake up!