Saturday, March 29, 2014

Express your "Peepsonality!"

I went shopping at the Peeps & Co. Store.
Yes, there are actual Peep stores!!!
Can you imagine being surrounded by all the Peep goodness??

Unfortunately, I don't live near one of the actual stores... SO, I went shopping online-  

I cannot describe to you the awesomeness of this store! Peeps, Mike and Ike, Hot tamales.. Oh my goodness!

Here's the thing... it's not just candy. (As if the candy wasn't enough!) There's apparel, bedding, cups, baskets, pens.....etc!!!

When I went shopping at Peeps & Co. I was in overwhelmed, it reminded me of my youth... I was in heaven.
Let me show you what I got-

Oh yeah!!!! My kids thought they had died and went to Peep heaven!

 Mike and Ike, Hot Tamales!!!

 Peepsters- bite size individual pieces.
These are heavenly.

A 4 pack of Peep Scented candles.
Seriously. I have these, in my house, and they are awesome!

Perfect for yourself, or to gift to your favorite person!

Here are some ideas for Gift Baskets using the Peeps & Co. merchandise!

Go to the Dollar Store and get a few baskets.
Get some fake plastic grass (because it's not a gift basket without it!)
Now, the possibilities are endless!!!





Disclaimer-- All opinions are my own. I was not paid for this post. I did receive merchandise from Peeps & Co.

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