Monday, August 09, 2010

Feeling Inspired..

adorable garden party dress @ nancy's couture

guest hand towel @ make the best of things

laundry room art @ the tidy nest

monkey muffins @ the tidy nest

hook boards @ the frosted gardner

one stool 3 ways @ the painted hive

bedroom before and after @ dirt cheap decor

make your own creamware @ madigan made

chair redo @ pouty pink princess

do it yourself monogram plate setting @ lemon tree creations

lemonade cart @ three pixie lane


  1. What a great group of projects you've picked! Thank you for including my guest towel in the mix.

  2. The KidArt-Chalk-Jumbo Colour Chalk Tub/20pc is what I'm looking for as a parent: Stationery Supplies products that inspire my child's imagination. Little hands will have no trouble holding these giant chalks, and the bright, eye-catching colors will liven up any outdoor game. I like how this set inspires my little ones to play outdoors, unleash their imagination, and unplug technology.


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