Saturday, July 10, 2010

I won a bathing suit! Thank you Lord.

It's time for me to retire the bikinis. Seriously. I am too old to wear a bikini out in public. Heck, I am too old to wear it in my own back yard. I have been looking and looking for a new bathing suit.I wanted something modest but not frumpy! So, you all know how much I love giveaways! lol. I entered a giveaway at The Adventures of Paul and Natalie.....and I WON!!!!

Look at what I picked out from Essential swimwear...

How cute is this! I can't wait till it comes in! I will give you a review when I get it. I know I am not the only one that's been looking for a modest but cute bathing suit right now! ;) lol

I am hoping I can give away a bathing suit on my blog soon. I think I love giving stuff away just as much as I love winning it! lol! Gotta help my girls (and some guys) out!
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  1. seriously cute! I got my heckhem cute sassy one piece at target about two years ago. it cost me about $25.00. Its black with a skirt to hide the stretch marks on the upper thighs/hips. The top is cut sassy without being unappropiate.

  2. I'm so glad you won the giveaway on my blog! The swimsuit was shipped yesterday! Have a great Sunday!! Thanks for writing about this!


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