Monday, July 26, 2010

CSN Review teaser! ;)

Anyone on the giveaway scene knows a little something about CSN stores! It's a HOT TOPIC! Posts are up every where about CSN stores. Here comes another one. ;)

You may remember that I hosted a $40 giveaway some time ago. That giveaway went really well. 
I have spent lots of time checking out their 200+ stores. You can get anything from a bedroom vanity to cookware. Here are a few of my favorite things at CSN stores...

Can you believe the diverse selection of products! You can find just about anything at CSN stores. Now I am going to review a product. Oh, the possibilities!

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  1. I look forward to seeing what you review! Have fun! :)

  2. Hi, Michelle! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop!!! :) I love your digi scrapbook designs. I have purchased some in the past.

    Hope you'll come visit me soon and follow back.
    Lisa xoxo
    Raising Future Leaders


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