Friday, November 27, 2009

Goodwill hunting-- Shoes


Some of you have been asking to see some more of the shoes I have scored at Goodwill. Here are a few. I think the most I paid was $4.00 for the first pair. They are Steve Madden, so are the last pair. Those were $3.00. I have my closet FULL of shoes. I will have to take a whole day to sit and take pictures. It took me forever to get these done. Man, it's hard to take pics of your own feet. lol. I love Goodwill. ;)

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  1. OMG!!! They are GORGEOUS! I especially LOVE the last pair!

  2. I LOOOOVE Goodwill. My friend and I go often and score lots of cute stuff. I especially love that Blue pair!!

  3. I like the last pair! Are you serious that you paid $4 for this? How did you do that?


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