Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In honor of earth day ;)

I have put together a collection of cute things that you can do to make your life more eco friendly!!!

First- Reusable shopping bags.

Who says they have to be boring!? Looks at these bags!


Look at how happy she is to have her reusable shopping bags...she even kic ked her leg up with joy! ;)

Second- Stainless Steel Reusable water bottle
Super cute designs, and eco friendly....and safer. No more using those plastic bottles!


POTTERY BARN has some cute ones! ;)

THIRD- Reusable bags and containers for your lunch!
Stop using plastic bags and start using reusable containers in your child's lunch!


Thermal lunch box

See, you can be cute and earth friendly at the same time! ;)

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  1. Love those environmentally friendly items. I love my collection of reuseable shopping bags.

    Happy Earth Day

  2. OMG those bags are the bomb! thanks for the link up!


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